Finally the video setup is up and running. Hopefully all our struggles can be useful for other users who read this poste. I will try to summarize the main findings below. For the description of all the tests, refer to the previous post.
The new set up is now as described in the below schematic:
The solution to link the Panasonic AW-HS50E mixer to the Sanyo PLV-WF10 projector was in the end to use a Blackmagic SDI to Analog Mini converter.
For the history, the different tested setup were:
- Blackmagic SDI to HDMI mini converter linked to the projector through a HDMI to SDI cable which didn't work due to the different type of signal (full explanation here)
- Blackmagic HD Link Pro was working in terms of signal but resolution was messed up and the image was cropped. Both the projector and the HD Link pro do not allow to force a specific resolution but instead try to automatically select the best based on the other hardware. The result just didn't work.
- Blackmagic SDI to Analog (component) was in the end a success:
- SDI cable from the mixer to the converter (so far tested up to 40m long using two 20m BNC cables)
- 3 50cm component BNC cables from the BM mini converter to the projector
- Mixer system set to full HD 1080i50 all the way to the projector.

- Camera Canon Legria HSF100 mini HDMI output
- HDMI to Component converter or cable
- Component to SDI using the Blackmagic Analog to SDI
4.- Add a Blackmagic HyperDeck shuttle on the mixer SDI output to record in full hd and have the video ready for Final Cut Pro editing. But first we have to recruit more cameramen and train them in order to start working in multi cam.
and then we can start looking at the rest of the long waiting list of things to improve and new things to implement... ;-)